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Economic Terms PBF

Marlon Tiggs

Word Bank
Job, Choice, Labor, Goal, Expenses, Income, Allowance, Bank, Wants, Capital, Money, Saving, Spend, Wage, Productivity, Savings, Save, Savers, Workers, Markets

2 3      
6 7  
8   9 10        
15               16          

3.Something a person plans to achieve in the future
4.Use money now to buy goods
10.Anything generally accepted as final payment for goods and services
11.Course of action taken when faced with a set of alternatives
13.Money paid regularly to a person, often parent to child
15.Payments for goods and services
16.Persons who desire to conserve their monetary funds to the best of their ability
17.The set of all sale and produced transactions that affects the price of some good or service
18.Money set aside for future use
19.Disposable income (income after taxes) minus cunsumption spending
20.The quantity and quality of human effort available to produce goods and services
1.A paid position of regular employment
2.Financial institution that keeps your money safe
5.Keep money for future use
6.Payments for labor services directly tied to timed worked
7.Amount of output produced per unit of input used
8.People employed to do work producing goods and services
9.Payments earned by households for selling or renting their productive resources
12.Desires that can be satisfied by consuming or using a good or service
14.Resources and goods made and used to produce other goods and services

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