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Economic Terms PBF

Mehm Nyan

Word Bank
Bank, Consume, Job, Goal, Interest, Choice, Expenses, Incentive, Workers, Spend, Wage, Save, Opportunity cost, Profit, Productivity, Deposit, Decision, Economics, Labor, Budget

2       3
5           6      
    8 9            
13                 14

1.Keep money for future use; divert money form current spending to savings account or other investment.
2.Payments for labor services directly tied to time worked, or to the number of units of output produced.
5.Spending-and-saving plan, based on estimated income and expenses for an individual or organization, covering a specific time period.
6.Something a person or organization plans to achieve in the future ; an aim or desired result.
9.People employed to do work, producing goods and services
11.Second-best alternative( or value of that alternative) that must be given up when scarce resources are used for one purpose vs another. (2 Words)
13.Reward or benefit, such as money, advantage or good feelings, that motivates people to do something.
15.Decision made or course of action taken when faced with a set of alternatives.
17.Income received for entrepreneurial skills and risk taking, Calculated by subtracting all of a firm's explicit and implicit costs from its total revenues.
18.Payments for goods and services.
1.Use money now to buy goods and services.
3.Money paid regularly, at a particular rate, for the use of borrowed money.
4.The quantity and quality of human effort available to produce goods and services.
5.Financial institution that provides various products and services to its customers,including checking and savings accounts, loans and currency exchange.
7.Money put into a financial account. Also, to place money in a financial account.
8.Study of how people, firms and societies choose to allocate scarce resources with alternative uses.
10.Amount of output(goods and services) produced per unit of input(productive resources) used.
12.A conclusion reached after considering alternatives and their results.
14.To buy and use a good service.
16.A piece of work usually done on order at an agreed-upon rate, also a paid position of regular employment.

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