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Math Vocabulary Chapter 11

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8                 9              

1.The two perpendicular lines of a coordinate plane that intersect at the origin
4.The distance of a number from zero on a number line
5.The numbers of an ordered pair that locate a point on a coordinate graph
8.Two numbers that are an equal distance from zero on a number line
9.An input-output relationship that has exactly one output for each input
10.The second number in an ordered pair; it tells the distance to move up or down from the origin.
11.A number less than zero
13.The value substituted into an expression or function
14.The first number in an ordered pair; it tells the distance to move right or left from the origin.
15.The point where the x-axis and y-axis intersect on the coordinate plane
16.A plane formed by the intersection of a horizontal number line call the x-axis and a vertical number line called the y-axis
2.The horizontal axis on a coordinate plane
3.A number greater than zero
6.An equation whose solutions form a straight line on a coordinate plane
7.A member of the set of whole numbers and their opposites
8.The value that results from the substitution of a given input into an expression or function
10.The vertical axis on a coordinate plane
12.The x- and y-axes divided the coordinate plane into these four regions

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