Algebra 1 Vocabulary List
Mrs. Forsythe
Use the definitions to complete the puzzles.
Word Bank absolute value, additive inverse, Algebraically, ascending order, asymptote, At Least, At Most, Axis of Symmetry, base, binomial, coefficient, Coincident Lines, Common ratio, Completing the square, Composite Numbers, Compound Inequalities, Compound interest, Conjugates, Consistent, constant, converse, Dashed Line, Decimal, degree of polynomial, degree of term, Denominator, Dependent, Derived Equation, descending order, difference, distance formula, distributive property, domain restriction, Double root, Elimination Method, equation, excluded Value, Exponential decay, Exponential growth, Exponents, expression, extraneous solution, factored form, function, fundamental function, Geometric sequence, Graph, Graphically, Graphing Method, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal To, greatest common factor, hypotenuse, Inclusive Value, Inconsistent, Independent, Index, inequality, Infinite Solutions, integer, Intersecting Lines, inverse operations, leading coefficient, legs, Less Than, like terms, Limits, Linear Combination, Linear Equations, Maximum, midpoint, midpoint formula, Minimum, monomial, negative exponents, negative Integer, Negative Reciprocals, Not Equal to, Nth term, number line, Numerator, opposites, Ordered pair, Parabola, Parallel Lines, parent function, Perpendicular Lines, Point of Intersection, polynomial, polynomial term, positive number, Power, power rules, Prefect square, Prime Number, Prime Factorization, Principal aquare root, product, Product of slopes, Property of Equality, Property of Square Root, quadratic equations, Quotient, radical equations, Radical expression, radical function, Radical sign, Radicand, Real solutions, Reciprocal, Reciprocal of a fraction, rise, run, Rounding off, shift, Simple Inequalities, Simplify, Slope, Slope-Intercept Form, Solid Line, solution, Solution of the System, special product, Square root, Standard Form, stretch, substitute, Substitution Method, sum, Symmetry, System of equations, terms, transformation, translation, trinomial, undefined, unlike terms, variable, Vertex, Whole number, x-axis, y-axis, X-intercept, Y-intercept, zero exponents
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