Across |
1. | the bottom numer of a fraction |
3. | the result in a division problem |
6. | numbers that are added together to find a sum or total |
9. | any number that can be evenly divided by 2 |
10. | all the parts of something taken together |
12. | a whole number that cannot be evenly dived by 2 |
13. | to rename to lowest terms |
14. | to find an amont that is close to the actual answer |
15. | exends without end |
17. | a way to write numbers to show the value of each digit |
19. | average |
23. | a letter or symbol that represents one or more numbers |
24. | a number with a base and an exponent wher the base is mulitplied by itself the number of times of the eponent |
25. | the amount let over when one number cannot be evenly divided by another |
28. | how much a digit represents |
29. | equal in value |
31. | a numer representing part of something |
33. | the result in a multiplication problem |
34. | adjusting a number to make it easier to work with |