Down |
1. | has an A-B-C-D ring portion |
2. | deadly disease associated with addiction to tobacco |
4. | 'hero drug' marketed by Bayer |
6. | compound from which aspirin is made |
7. | structure found in natural endorphins as well as many opioids |
8. | male contraceptive substance from cotton plant seeds |
11. | active component in Prontosil Red |
13. | main female sex hormone |
14. | created a type of 'degradation' process crucial to steroid production |
16. | term which means 'dulls pain' |
17. | event which protested 'taxation without representation' |
18. | main male sex hornone |
20. | drug derived from active compound created by the ergot fungus |
21. | adjective which means 'promotes muscle growth' |
23. | crucial structural portion of chemical created by penecillum notatum |
27. | a benzene ring, quaternary carbon, 2-carbon chain, and a tertiary nitrogen |
29. | a substance made by a plant to protect itself from predators |
32. | substance of microbial origin which also has antimicrobial effects |
34. | the original goal of W.H. Perkin's experiments |
35. | drug which causes lysis |
36. | main chemical found in opium poppy latex |
37. | chemical which is both a stimulant and a depressant |
38. | aromatic ring with an amino group |
39. | basic structure shared by quinine and chloroquine |
40. | beneficial substance from the foxglove plant |
42. | type of ring structure in active regions of bufotoxin and digoxin |
43. | name of the fruit which leads to coffee |