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F322 Organic Chemistry

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39             40                    

1.the atom or group of atoms responsible for the characteristic reactions of an organic compound (2 Words)
3.the simpliest ratio of atoms of each element in a compound
4.the name of the catalyst used in oxidation and esterification reactions
8.a double bond has ..................... rotation
9.the step that involves the breaking of a covalent bond in a presence of UV
12.a radical is a species with an ......................... electron
14.a chlorine radical also behaves as this
18.the mechanism by which alkenes react with hydrogen halides or halogens (2 Words)
20.the colour of the precipitate formed when silver nitrate is warmed with 1-iodobutane in ethanol.
21.the name of the nucleophile that reacts with halogenalkanes to form alcohols under hot aqueous conditions (2 Words)
22.a reagent used to test for the presence of a particular halide ion (2 Words)
24.potassium dichromate turns from orange to ................. when oxidising an alcohol
26.the condition required to convert a primary alcohol into an aldehyde
28.the condition required to convert an primary alcohol or an aldehyde into a carboxylic acid
29.one sustainable method of manufacturing ethanol
31.burning when there is a limited supply of oxygen
35.the shape of the molecule around a carbon atom in a double dond (2 Words)
36.heterolytic fission produces a ................. and an anion
37.E is the same as ..............
38.the most important intermolecular force present in non-polar organic molecules (3 Words)
39.The product formed when a secondary alcohol is oxidised
40.A compound made from carbon and hydrogen ONLY
41.a pi bond is formed from the .................. overlap of adjacent p orbitals
42.the chemical used to test for unsaturation
2.the hydrolysis of halogenoalkanes with hot aqueous sodium hydroxide (2 Words)
5.the condition usually required to break a bond by homolytic fission
6.straight chain alkanes are turned into branched and cyclical molecules to promote .............. ................. (2 Words)
7.the relative rate of hydrolysis of the halogenoalkanes is determined by the ................. .................... (2 Words)
10.the type of catalyst needed for the hydration of alkenes to form alcohols
11.the mechanism by which alkanes react with halogens in presence of UV (2 Words)
13.a species that can donate a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond
15.this type of alcohol cannot be oxidised
16.one use of CFCs
17.a curly arrow in a mechanism shows the movement of an ......... ............ (2 Words)
19.a species that accepts an electron pair to form a covalent bond
23.the reaction between two radicals
25.The breaking of a large alkane into more useful alkanes and alkenes
27.the type of bond breaking that produces radicals
30.alcohols can dissolve in water because they can form ......... .............. with water (2 Words)
32.the step in radical substitution that keeps generating the radical
33.The dehydration of an alcohol to form an alkene is this type of reaction
34.a series of organic compounds with the same functional group

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