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Qualitative tests Cross Word

Miss A Patel

1 2 3
  7 8        
9                       10
      14 15        

4.The ion that is tested for using lime water
9.The colour produced when bromine is added to an unsaurated hydrocarbon
11.The scientific name for an insoluble solid
12.The colour of the flame produced when testing for Barium ions
15.The coloured ppt produced by Cl- ions (halide)
16.The chemical that is used to test for sulphate ions
17.The coloured ppt produced by I- ions (halide)
1.The colour of the flame produced when testing for Calcium ions
2.The alkali used to test for aluminium ions
3.The colour of the flame produced when testing for Sodium ions
5.The colour of the flame produced when testing for Potassium ions
6.The coloured ppt produced when Cu 2+ ions are added to a few drops of NaOH
7.The chemical that is used to test for halide ions
8.The metal ion that redissolves when excess NaOH is added
10.The coloured ppt produced when Fe 2+ ions are added to a few drops of NaOH
13.The coloured ppt produced by Br- ions (halide)
14.The coloured ppt produced when Fe 3+ ions are added to a few drops of NaOH

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