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chapter 3

Mariah Williams

chromosome Its a cellular structure that holds our genetic information in thread like strands of DNA.

Genes small segments of DNA that contain information for producing proteins.

Alleles different forms of a gene

RecessiveGenes genes that show their effective only when both alleles are the same.

DominantGenes genes that show their effective even if there is only one allele for that trait in the pair.

phenotype the organism observed characteristics

twinadoptedstudies genetic and enviornmental similarities compared and contrasted.

heritablity the extent to which a characteristic is influenced by genetics

polygenictransmission the process by which many genes interact to create a single characterist

somaticnervoussystem transmits sensory information to the brain an spinal cord to the skeletal muscles.

soma the cell body of a neuron

dendrites finger like projections from a neurons soma that receive incoming messages from other neurons.

synapse the junctions between an axon and the adjacent neuron, where information is transmitted from one neuron to another.

terminalbuttons little knobs at the end of the axon that contain tiny sacs of neurotransmitters.

interneurons neurons that communicate only with other neurons.

Ions chemically charged particles that pre dominate in bodily fluids found both inside and outside cells.

restingpotential the difference in eletrical charge between the inside and outside of the axon when the neurons are at a rest.

mirrorneurons nerve calls that are active when we observe others preforming a action as well as when we are preforming the same action.

sensoryneurons nerve cells that receive incoming sensory information from the sense organs.

glutamake the most common excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain.

dopamine a neurotransmitter released in reponse to behaviors that feel good or are rewarding to the person or animals voluntary motor control.

hippocampus a limbic structure that wraps itself around the thalamus. It plays a vital role in learning and memory.

cerebellum involved in body movement, balance, coordination, fine-tuning motor skills, and cognitive activities such as learning and language.

aphasia deficit in the ability to speak of communicate language.

cerebalcortex thin outter layer of the cerebrum in whic much of human thought, planning, perception, and consciousness takes place.

brocasarea named after Paul Broca

arborization the growth and formation of new dendrites.

endocrine systems of glands that secrete and regulate hormones in the body.

hormones chemicals secreted by glands travel in the blood stream carrying messages to tissues and organs all over the body

catecholmines chemicals released from adrenal glands that function as hormones and as neurotransmitters to control ANS activation.

1 2 3                         4 5
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    10     11                  
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3.genes that show their effective even if there is only one allele for that trait in the pair.
6.the organism observed characteristics
9.the cell body of a neuron
10.area of the brain named after Paul Broca
14.finger like projections from a neurons soma that receive incoming messages from other neurons.
21.the difference in eletrical charge between the inside and outside of the axon when the neurons are at a rest
22.the growth and formation of new dendrites
23.small segments of DNA that contain information for producing proteins.
25.the process by which many genes interact to create a single characteristic
26.chemically charged particles that pre dominate in bodily fluids found both inside and outside cells.
27.systems of glands that secrete and regulate hormones in the body.
28.chemicals secreted by glands travel in the blood stream carrying messages to tissues and organs all over the body
29.different forms of a gene
30.a limbic structure that wraps itself around the thalamus. It plays a vital role in learning and memory.
1.deficit in the ability to speak of communicate language.
2.the junctions between an axon and the adjacent neuron, where information is transmitted from one neuron to another.
4.transmits sensory information to the brain an spinal cord to the skeletal muscles.
5.a neurotransmitter released in response to behaviors that feel good or are rewarding to the person or animals voluntary motor control.
7.genetic and environmental similarities compared and contrasted in this type of study
8.the extent to which a characteristic is influenced by genetics
11.involved in body movement, balance, coordination, fine-tuning motor skills, and cognitive activities such as learning and language.
12.thin outter layer of the cerebrum in which much of human thought, planning, perception, and consciousness takes place
13.chemicals released from adrenal glands that function as hormones and as neurotransmitters to control ANS activation.
15.Its a cellular structure that holds our genetic information in thread like strands of DNA.
16.little knobs at the end of the axon that contain tiny sacs of neurotransmitters
17.genes that show their effective only when both alleles are the same
18.nerve calls that are active when we observe others preforming a action as well as when we are preforming the same action
19.nerve cells that receive incoming sensory information from the sense organs.
20.neurons that communicate only with other neurons.
24.the most common excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain

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