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Atoms and Elements

Zoe Welch

A crossword puzzle about atoms and elements.

3 4           5  
7       8        
      9   10
15   16       17              

4.What are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons?
7.What is one name for the vertical columns on the periodic table of elements?( HINT- starts with a g)
12.What is the periodic table of elements listed by? (HINT- this increases)
13.Is there elements that haven't been officially named yet?
15.What group is Zinc in?
17.What particles of an atom don't have a charge?
18.What is silvers' symbol?
19.How many different kinds of particles does an atom contain?
20.How many periods are there?
1.What particles of an atom are positive?
2.How many types of quarks are there?
3.What are the smallest particles that make up protons and neutrons called?
5.What particles of an atom are negative?
6.What element isn't placed in the eighteen groups?
8.What are horizontal rows on the periodic table of elements called?
9.What is one name for the vertical columns on the periodic table of elements?( HINT- starts with a f)
10.What are protons and neutrons surrounding in an atom?
11.What is Sulfurs' atomic number?
14.What element is Kr?
16.What group is Iron in?

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