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Atoms and the Periodic Table


Atoms and the Periodic Table

1 2 3 4
5               6                    
    9     10      
15 16       17     18      
          19       20
  21         22    

5.Isotopes are atoms of the same type but have different numbers of these
6.The number of protons and neutrons combined
7.The number of protons an atom has
10.The smallest particle of an element
11.Negatively charged particle outside of the nucleus of the atom
12.How many more electrons do group 6a elements "want" to gain
13.An element in the third row of the periodic table is in this principal energy level
14.The electrons involved in bonding
15.Two atoms of the same type that have different weights
18.The number of valence electrons in an atom in group 1a
19.The number of valence electrons in an atom in group 8a
21.When an atom has 8 valence electrons
22.The maximum number of electrons that an orbital can contain
1.Neutral particle in the nucleus of the atom
2.Atoms in the periodic table are arranged according to their _______________
3.Outermost electrons
4.By subtracting the atomic number from the mass number you can determine the number of these
8.The number that identifies the kind of atom you have
9.The weighted average of all the isotopes of an atom
12.How many bonds group 6a elements want to make
13.Another way of referring to group 3a
16.When an atom has an octet it is very ____________
17.Positively charged particle in the nucleus of the atom
20.The number of valence electrons in an atom in group 2a

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