Across |
2. | "O tempora! O mores!" speaker |
4. | General of Galba (and modern-day cleaning solution) |
6. | This type of victory is won at a great cost |
7. | "Metamorphoses" writer |
9. | Husband of Penelope and father of Telemachus |
11. | Number of hills upon which Rome was built |
14. | Toga worn by those seeking public office |
17. | Achilles's weakness |
18. | Latin used in English to mean one's school |
19. | Ancient location for Roman races |
21. | Gender shared by "poeta" and "amor" |
24. | Case taken by "super" |
26. | Greek name for Mars |
28. | Famous city victim to Vesuvius |
29. | Vergil's magnum opus |
32. | "Africanus" in "Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus" |
35. | Her hair may have hissed |
37. | Writer of epigrams |
39. | Mythological inspirers of the arts |
42. | The founder of Rome |
43. | Foe of Hercules that could regrow heads |
45. | Ancient name for modern France |
48. | Famous first words, followed by "in pictura" |
49. | River running through Rome |
50. | Highest elected office of the Republic |
51. | Locket worn by Roman boys |