Across |
5. | kinetic cue to depth perception based on the fact that nearby moving objects move across our visual field faster than do distant objects |
7. | motor skills associated with grasping, holding, and manipulating objects |
10. | cues to depth perception in which motion is used to estimate depth |
12. | glass-covered platfrom that appears to have a "shallow" and a "deep" side; used to study infants' depth perception |
13. | state in which a baby cries vigorously, usually accompanied by agitated but uncoordinated movement |
14. | flat group of cells present in prenatal development that becomes the brain and spinal cord |
16. | small knobs at the end of the axon that release neurotransmitters |
18. | sleep in which the heart rate, breathing, and brain activity are steady; (nonREM) sleep |
19. | irregular sleep in which an infant's eyes dart rapidly beneath the eyelids while the body is quite active |
21. | process by which an individual's unique experiences over a lifetime affect brain structures and organization |
23. | cry that begins with a sudden long burst, followed by a long pause and gasping |
24. | specialized neurons in the back of the eye that sense color |
28. | tubelike structure that emerges from the cell body and transmits information to other neurons |
29. | more intense version of a basic cry |
31. | theory that views motor development as involving many distinct skills that are organized and reorganized over time to meet specific needs |
32. | right and left halves of the cortex |
33. | coordinated movements of the muscles and limbs |
36. | young children who have just learned to walk |
39. | gradual reduction in the number of synapes, beginning in infancy and continuing until early adolescence |
40. | infants' sensory systems are attuned to information presented simultaneously to different sensory modes |
42. | chemicals released by the terminal buttons that allow neurons to communicate with each other |
44. | center of the neuron that keeps the neuron alive |
45. | state in which a baby alternates from being still and breathing regularly to moving gently and breathing irregularly; the eyes are closed throughout |
46. | perceptual cue to depth based on the fact that the texture of objects changes from coarse to distinct for nearby objects to finer and less distinct for distant objects |
47. | consistent style or pattern of behavior |
48. | state in which a baby's eyes are open but seem unfocused while the arms or legs move in bursts of uncoordinated motion |
49. | brain region that regulates personality and goal-directed behavior |
50. | early, unsteady form of walking done by infants |
51. | being small for one's age because of inadequate nutrition |