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Comparative Politics

by William Kelley

Lecture and Text: Comparative Politics

1         2   3
5   6   7             8  
      9                 10
    12 13      
      17         18  

1.Modern _______ democracy is the product of at least 700 years of gradual evolution (page 7, T&W).
4.British Parliament is _________, consisting of the House of Lords and the House of Commons (2 houses).
5.Most Western democracies are ______ societies in the sense that their governments permit diverse social forces representing various sectors of society to develop and act autonomously (page 25, T&W).
9.Britain's borders are well defined and protected from foreign invasion and the consequent political disruptions. Some historians have suggested that Britain's __________ setting accounts for the relatively peaceful evolution of modern British politics (page 10, T&W).
11.An economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.
14.Britain and most other European democracies use a __________ system. This system deemphasizes the separation of powers that is so important in the American presidential system. In this system the legislative branch is viewed as the supreme voice of the people (page 28, T&W).
15.A government in which a single ruler is vested with absolute power (lecture).
17.The attitudes, beliefs, and values, which support the operation of a particular poliltical system is known as political ________ .
19.The House of _________ is made up of 659 elected memebers of Parliament, each of whom represents a geographic constituency (page 32, T&W).
20.While Britain is considered a democracy, there is no single written _______. This is fairly unique to democracies.
21.Britons have long felt that ________ and democracy are compatible. The national government has all power and has the discretion to grant or withdraw prerogatives and power to local authorities (page 40, T&W).
2.A political system of communal ownership; a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles.
3.power divided between the central and local government. Germany is an example of this (lecture).
6.The central government is supreme since the local government is below central government. This contrasts to a system of federalism. An example is France (lecture).
7.A form of government in which power is in the hands of a small, privileged, ruling class (lecture).
8.We may designate as the beginning of democratic evolution the year 1215, when King John was compelled by his barons to sign the _______ _______, guaranteeing them certain privileges (page 7, T&W).
10.Classless political system: the political theory of system in which all property and wealth is owned in a classless society by all members of that society.
12.Appointed by the House of Commons. In Britain, the general public does not get to vote for the ______ ________; in the general elections voters elect only the members of Parliament (page 36, T&W).
13.Over the centuries, conventions, traditions, and political struggles have transformed the British political structures from an absolute monarchy to a __________ monarchy (page 29, T&W)
16.A government by the people; especially, rule of the majority (directly or indirectly) (lecture)
18.This can control political reality. The middle east would be an example of this (lecture).

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