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Meine Familie

A cross word on your family such as the memebers and status names

1 2
3                 4  
    5 6      
8 9                
12       13              
14           15        

3.a certain status is...
5.your cousins mother is your...
9.female sibling is a...
12.also known as 'oma' it's your...
14.your auntie and unlces children are your...
15.your mum or dad's brothers is your...
16.opposite of a husband is a... (2 Words)
1.male sibling is a...
2.someone who would be an auntie or uncle to your children are your...
4.people who care for you are your...
6.you sometimes need a walking stick when you are...
7.when a man gets married they are someones... (2 Words)
8.you play toys when you are...
10.also known as 'opa' it's your...
11.a mothers husband is your...
13.the perosn who carries you is your...

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