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1 2           3             4
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8     9                      
  10                     11          
12   13    
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              25   26    
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  29                     30   31
  33   34                  
35             36                  

2.A reusable space orbiter
5.An Icy dwarf planet
6.the hottest planet
8.the greek meaning of comet
10.a patch of gravity so strong no even light can escape
11.An area with no air
14.which planet has the smallest orbit
15.the explosion of a dying star
17.A Large Collection of stars and planets
18.The main atmosphere of venus
21.the occurrences of solar radiation hitting the earths atmosphere
24.the storm that has been raging on jupiter for 3000 years
25.Huge dirty snowballs
27.one of saturn's most well known moons
28.the planet containing olympus mons
29.Cool patches of the sun
32.The deep blue planet
34.The second mission to jupiter
35.What makes us stick to the ground
36.The Key element in the solar system
37.small chunks of dust and rock
1.What are comets made of
2.The attachments to space shuttles
3.The planet with large rings
4.Particles in a nebula
7.The gasses that make up stars
9.What was the first living animal in space
11.The first mission to jupiter
12.where is NASAS new Horizons probe heading
13.the Phenomenon that powers the sun
16.Our galaxy
19.the belt separating mars from jupiter
20.the way an object moves around another
22.Large chunks of rock
23.An eruption of hydrogen from the suns surface
26.the planet whose name means messenger
30.the name of the mission to the moon
31.a gas of the sun
33.The planet which spins on a strange axis

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