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space jam

James Goatcher

space based crossword

1 2 3
    4 5          
7         8        
  12 13   14 15 16
17             18                        
19   20            
21         22         23            
25 26       27        
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      30 31               32    
34                     35            
      36 37    
38         39 40            

5.largest satellite on this planet is called Titan
6.the name of the solar system we live in
7.magnetic field is "tipped over" by about 47 degrees compared with the planet's rotation axis
9.closest planet to the sun
10.a planet recently changed to a dwarf planet
11.creates solar winds
17.The surface can reach 800 degrees Fahrenheit (430 degrees Celsius).
18.a bunch of asteroids in-between mars and jupiter
20.what replaces the sun at night
21.jupitar, saturn, uranus and neptune are all...
23.has atmosphere of oxygen and hydrogen
24.mercury venus and earth are all...
27.scientists think it once supported a wet, warm earth-like planet
28.known as earths sister planet
31.what keeps us grounded on earth
34.the second man on the moon
35.has 13 known moons
37.1.4 kilometers wide!
38.third of the gas giants from the sun
40.nearly 4.5 billion kilometres from the sun
41.oceans cover 70% of this planets surface
1.chunks of dirty ice from the formation of the solar system
2.a complex system of air, water and land
3.the centre piece of the solar system
4.floating objects in space that collect scientific information
5.ring system is the most extensive and complex in the solar system
6.its year length is 687 days
8.the most gaseous planet in our solar system
12.the largest planet in our solar system
13.extend into space and form a magnetosphere around each planet.
14.a slight eruption in the solar system
15.The first man to go to the moon
16.what fills
19.this planet has had the largest flood in the solar system
20.has the largest volcanic mountain in the solar system, Olympus Mons
22.rocky remains from the formation of the solar system
25.this planet has no atmosphere!
26.the star of our solar system
29.the planet with the most rings in our solar system
30.makes up 99% of our solar systems mass
32.the eight planet from the sun
33.Its volume is 755 times greater than that of Earth.
36.its magnetic field is 578 times as powerful as Earth's

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