Across |
3. | Along with satellites .......... orbits the earth (2 Words) |
5. | Asteroids are chunks of........ |
8. | Scientist believe that mars once had ........ on it |
10. | The cloud of comets beyond Pluto (2 Words) |
11. | The name of our solar system (2 Words) |
13. | The streak of dust behind a comet is called a ,...... |
14. | The first man on the moon (2 Words) |
15. | Jupiters rings are caused by ...... (2 Words) |
17. | This gas is found on Neptune and also in balloons |
18. | Jupiter is the first of what scientists call the ........ (2 Words) |
22. | Our solar system formed how many years ago (2 Words) |
23. | The company that explores the solar system |
24. | Like our moon, Mercury has lots of ........ |
27. | Second person on the moon (2 Words) |
29. | The planet closest to the sun |
30. | The sun produces ......... |
32. | There is no ....... in space |
35. | Named after the roman god of the sea |
36. | Like our sun but further away |
37. | Largest planet in the solar system |
40. | A dwarf planet named after the roman goddess of agriculture |
41. | Uranus' upper atmosphere absorbs ....... light waves |