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Read Chapter 10. The puzzle below is based on terms in your reading. Read the descriptions and fill in the blanks with the letters of the appropriate term.

1         2                
5     6 7        
  10                     11  

1.a technique used by artists to shorten an object and make it look as if it extends backward into space
7.size as measured against a standard reference, such as the human body
9.artist that created the marble, larger-than-life size sculpture titled David
10.drawings that use exaggeration and distortion of distinctive physical features for the purpose of comic satire and ridicule; seen frequently in today's newspapers and magazine editorial cartoons
13.artists during this time believed that the human body was the true expression of order; statues created during this time were not realistic portraits of real people, but instead, an ideal form
14.a deviation from expected, normal proportions
15.another deviation from expected, normal proportions
2.when figures are arranged in a work of art so that scale indicates importance, such as, in Nakht and Wife, a wall painting from the Tomb of Nakht
3.the name given to the ratio of the Golden Mean during the Renaissance
4.artist that painted The Old Guitarist, exaggerating the thinness of an old man by elongating his limbs and placing him in an impossibly angular position to express sympathy for his condition
5.principle of art concerned with the size relationship of one part to another
6.artist that uses scale to make you look at ordinary objects with a new perspective (for example, a 45-ft tall clothespin)
8.an oil painting by Judith Leyster that used the proportions of the Golden Mean in its compositional organization, which features two men playing instruments while a woman observes
11.a line divided into two parts so that the smaller line has the same proportion, or ratio, to the larger line as the larger line has to the whole line
12.the unit usually used to define the proportions of an individual figure (the average human adult is seven and one-half of 'these' tall)

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