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Planets of the Solar System

7th Grade Science

1 2
4             5
8 9         10 11          
12       13      
    14             15      
19 20      
21             22        

3.Discovered by William Herschel, the first to be discovered since ancient times
4.A type of planet without a solid surface
6.The biggest planet in the Solar System
7.Called "Earth's Twin" because it is similar in size
9.The only planet known to have life
11.Only planet that is less dense than water
12.Has two moons called Phobos and Deimos
14.Has the greatest range of temperatures in the Solar System
15.Called the Red Planet because of its red, rusty soil
16.Discovered with mathematical calculations before it was seen
21.Difficult to see because it is so small and close to the Sun
22.Has a day that is longer than its year
23.The brightest planet
1.Has a tilt similar to Earth, so it also has 4 seasons
2.Planet with the most moons, including the 4 Galilean Moons
5.A type of planet that has a solid, rocky surface
6.Has a Great Red Spot that is bigger than 3 Earths
8.Planet is tipped on its side so it spins from top to bottom
10.Only planet known to have liquid water
13.Has the most extensive ring system in the Solar System
14.This planet, along with Venus, are the only two planets without moons
17.Only planet that spins on its axis backwards
18.Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are all considered this type of planet
19.The hottest planet because its thick atmosphere traps in heat
20.Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are all considered this type of planet

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