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Space Exploration Crossword 1

Use pages 356-397 in the textbook and your notes to fill in this puzzle. For answers with multiple words, leave out the space. Do not use dashes.

2 3 4              
5                     6  
      8               9          
11   12                      
13         14         15  
16 17               18                  
    19     20
  21             22              

4.How high up a star is located above the horizon.
5.A model of the solar system where the planets revolve around the Sun.
7.A device that can be used to separate out the wavelengths of visible light into a spectrum
8.The ability of a telescope to produce fine details. (2 Words)
10.A structure made up of stars, planets, and the dust in between.
12.Wavelengths of light that are slightly shorter than visible light.
13.This type of telescope uses lenses to bend and focus light.
16.Used to determine the distance to a nearby star. Also known as triangulation.
18.This type of telescope uses mirrors to bounce and focus light.
21.Astronomers used to think that the planets traveled in perfectly circular orbits. We now know that their orbits are slightly elongated. The word for this shape is an ___________.
22.Wavelengths of light that are longer than visible light. They are also known as heat waves.
23.This type of eclipse results when the Earth blocks sunlight from hitting the moon.
1.A type of technology which uses lasers, mirrors and computers to undo the blurring effect of movement in the Earth’s atmosphere, and produce clearer telescope pictures. (2 Words)
2.According to the Doppler Effect, if an object is moving away from you, its spectral lines will become _____________.
3.The outer 4 planets in our Solar System are called gas giants because they are made mostly of gas. The inner 4 planets are often called the rocky planets, or _____________ planets.
6.A group of stars that appear in a cluster in the night sky
7.This type of eclipse results when the moon blocks sunlight from hitting the Earth.
9.A model of the universe where the stars and planets revolve around the Earth.
11.A device for measuring altitude.
14.A device for measuring azimuth.
15.By analyzing the spectral lines of light emitted from a star, scientists can determine which ____________ are present in the star.
17.This can be measured using the directions of N, E, S, W or degrees in a circle.
19.The ancient astronomers thought it strange that some stars appeared to sometimes move backwards rather than in a regular rotational pattern. Today we know that these stars are actually __________.
20.Stars, planets, and even galaxies form when these clouds of gas condense due to gravity.

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