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Planets in Space

Caleb Williams

1 2 3
4   5            
  7       8
9   10            
    11 12       13  
15           16        

5.A planet with spectacular rings.
6.Ice particals in a belt. (2 Words)
7.We live on it.
10.Closest planet to the sun.
12.A big burning ball of gas in our solar system. (2 Words)
14.Biggest planet in the solar system.
15.Hottest planet in the solar system.
16.The smallest planet.
1.A belt made of space rocks. (2 Words)
2.2 words put together to name a planet.
3.The dusty planet.
4.A planet with 3 moons.
8.An egg shaped planet.
9.A dark blue planet.
11.A planet in the asteroid belt.
13.A planet that spins sideways.

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