Across |
3. | Endocrine glands that are located right above the kidneys. |
7. | Glands located on the underside of the brain; it produces the largest amount of the body's hormons |
9. | Forbrain region that relays and translates incoming messages,from the sense receptors, except those for smell. |
12. | White fatty covering found on some axon. |
13. | A gland located in the center of the brain that appears to regulate activity levels over the course of the day. |
14. | The par of the nervous system compromising the brain and spinal cord. |
15. | Region between the hindbrain and forebrain; it is important for hearing and sight, and it is one of several in the brain where pain is registered. |
19. | A shift in electrical change in a tiny area of a neuron. |
20. | Part of the cerebral cortex that is responsible for voluntary movement; it is also important for attention, goal directed behavioral, and appropriate emotional experiences |
22. | Part of the cerebral hemisphere that receives and interprets visual information. |
23. | Four tiny glands embedded in the thyroid; they secrete parathormone. |
25. | Division of the nervous system that connects the central nervous system to the rest of the body. |
28. | The change in electrical potential associated with the passage of an impulse along the membrane of a muscle cell or nerve cell. |
29. | The reproductive glandes, testes in males and ovaries in females. |
32. | Hemispheres of the brain are designed to handle specific tasks |
33. | Part of the hindbrain that connects the cerebral cortex at the top of the brain to the cerebellum. |
34. | Structure at the end of a axon terminal branch. |
35. | Structure in the hindbrain that controls certain reflexes and coordinates the body's movements. |
36. | Part of the cerebral hemisphere that helps regulate hearing, balance and equilibrium and certain emotions and motives. |
37. | A Period after firing when a neuron will not fire again no matter how strong the incoming message may be. |
38. | Endocrine gland located below the voice box; it produces the hormones thyroxin |