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harry potter al


i have created a better version of oe sorry for any mistakes

1   2              
3 4  
  5   6  
7     8     9 10                                    
11 12                                         13
    16   17 18                            
20                                 21  
        22               23            
      26   27 28        
  30                   31       32          
35               36             37         38
  40           41                    
45   46                      

1.Gryffindor student before Harry's time, Marauder, friend of James Potter, werewolf, Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts in Harry's third year, member of the Order of the Phoenix
7.Acromantula belonging to Rubeus Hagrid, lives in the Forbidden Forest, dies in Half-Blood Prince
9.brother of Albus
12.Fraudulent author, Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, lost memory because of a backfiring memory spell he attempted with Ron's broken wand on Harry and Ron, permanently resides at St. Mungo's
14.Ancient Runes teacher at Hogwarts
17.Author of A History of Magic
19.Ravenclaw student one year above Harry, Quidditch Seeker, member of Dumbledore's Army, and Harry's first love interest
20.Ministry of Magic employee at the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, husband of Molly Weasley, father of Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny Weasley, member of the Order of the Phoenix
22.Hogwarts Headmaster in Harry Potter's time, Transfiguration professor in Tom Riddle's time, founder of the Order of the Phoenix, killed by Severus Snape
24.the spell is crucio what is the spells name
25.- Daughter of Ted Tonks and Andromeda Black, disowned by the Black family for being half-blood, Auror, metamorphmagus, wife of Remus Lupin, mother of Teddy Remus Lupin, cousin of Draco Malfoy, killed by her aunt Bellatrix during the Battle of Hogwarts
29.harry's very smart fried
30.Student who participated in the Triwizard Tournament representing Beauxbatons, later wed Bill Weasley
32.harrys owl
35.Only daughter and youngest child of Arthur and Molly Weasley, Gryffindor student one year under Harry, Gryffindor Quidditch Seeker and Chaser, member of Dumbledore's Army
37.Giant, half-brother of Rubeus Hagrid, son of Fridwulfa
41.Reporter for the Daily Prophet, author of The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore, Animagus
42.Wife of Arthur Weasley, mother of Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny Weasley, member of the Order of the Phoenix.
43.Muggle son of Vernon Dursley and Petunia Evans, first cousin of Harry Potter, husband of Mrs. Dursley, father of several children
44.hary's best fried, has red hair
45.Retired Auror, member of the Order of the Phoenix, Defence Against the Dark Arts professor in Goblet of Fire (though he was impersonated by Barty Crouch Jr), killed by Lord Voldemort in the Battle of the Seven Potters
47.harrys father
48.House-elf belonging to the Black family, and later Harry Potter. Though at first preferring to serve the pureblood line (including Regulus Black, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Draco Malfoy), he eventually likes serving under Harry as he treats him better, giving him Regulus' locket as a gift.
49.Son of Arthur and Molly Weasley and identical twin brother of George Weasley, member of Dumbledore's Army, Gryffindor Quidditch Beater, co-owner of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, killed during the battle of Hogwarts
50.harrys mother
2.Cat belonging to Argus Filch
3.3 headed dog beloging to hagrid
4.spell used for unlocking doors
5.Gryffindor student in Harry's year, member of Dumbledore's Army, son of Aurors Frank and Alice Longbottom
6.Son of Orion and Walburga Black, brother of Sirius Black, Slytherin Quidditch Seeker, reformed Death Eater, took Salazar Slytherin's locket intending to destroy it.
8.Goblin, works at Gringotts Bank, killed by Lord Voldemort
10.Death Eater, sister of Narcissa Malfoy and Andromeda Tonks, cousin of Sirius and Regulus Black, she tortured Frank and Alice Longbottom into insanity with husband Rodolphus, killed Sirius Black, Nymphadora Tonks, and Dobby. Killed by Molly Weasley.
11.expelled Gryffindor student, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts
13.Second son of Arthur and Molly Weasley, formerly Gryffindor Quidditch Seeker and school prefect, member of the Order of the Phoenix, works with dragons in Romania
15.Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Hogwarts High Inquisitor, Headmistress of Hogwarts, eventually sent to Azkaban for crimes against Muggle-borns, claims relation to the pure-blood Selwyn family
16.Hufflepuff student three years above Harry, school prefect, Quidditch Seeker and captain, co-winner of the Triwizard Tournament, killed by Peter Pettigrew on Voldemort's orders
18.killing curse
21.the leader of the death eaters
23.Hippogriff belonging at various times to Rubeus Hagrid, Sirius Black, and Harry Potter
24.cat what beogs to hermione
26.Former school friend of James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Betrays James and Lily Potter. An unregistered animagus, Pettigrew is first introduced as a rat known as Scabbers.
27.second youngest Son of Arthur and Molly Weasley and identical twin brother of Fred Weasley, Gryffindor Quidditch Beater, co-owner of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
28.Third son of Arthur and Molly Weasley, Gryffindor prefect and Head Boy, Ministry of Magic employee, long estranged from his family before joining them against the Death Eaters in Deathly Hallows,
31.Hogwarts student, Gryffindor Quidditch Keeper and captain, Keeper for Puddlemere United.
33.vodemorts snake
34.Phoenix belonging to Albus Dumbledore, saved Harry Potter from Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets
36.reformed Death Eater, member of the Order of the Phoenix, Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Head of Slytherin House, Hogwarts Headmaster, killed Dumbledore in the sixth book, killed in the seventh book by Nagini
38.Son of Orion and Walburga Black, brother of Regulus Arcturus Black, godfather of Harry Potter, Gryffindor student at Hogwarts, Animagus, Marauder, disowned for running away from home to live with the Potter family, member of the Order of the Phoenix, killed by his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange
39.Oldest son of Arthur and Molly Weasley, Gringott employee, husband of Fleur Delacour
40.the main character of the films
46.House-elf belonged to the Malfoy family, set free by Lucius Malfoy (due to Harry's intervention) in Chamber of Secrets. Killed by Bellatrix Lestrange saving Harry Potter's life

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