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Music Rules!!!

Mrs. Awesome

This puzzle has a bunch of music vocab.

1 2 3     4  
  5 6    
9           10     11                
13         14     15 16   17
18     19   20        
23   24
25 26        

3.the speed of the music
11.getting louder
12.moderately loud
13.sign used to show the left hand side of middle C
19.at a walking pace
21.the words to a song
22.getting quieter
24.the 5th note of the musical alphabet
25.played smoothly
2.played short and sharp
4.very fast
6.played quietly
7.played fast
8.when the tempo gets faster
10.sign used to show the right hand side of middle C
13.the 7th note of the musical alphabet
14.the first note of the musical 'alphabet'
15.the 4th note of the musical alphabet
16.played moderately quietly
17.8 notes
18.the black note below a white note of a piano
19.the 6th note of the musical alphabet
20.the 2nd not of the musical alphabet
23.the black note above a white note of a piano
26.the 3rd note of the musical alphabet

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