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CRAFTS 1 ART TERMS :: Moving into the Second Marking Period

Name:______________________Pd:_____________________ /50 pts

The crossword below reviews important concepts from last marking period, and previews new vocabulary that we will be using soon in the Second Marking Period. You can use your notes for some questions, and the Green Introducing Art Books for others (Chapters or page #'s may be included!).

1   2   3 4   5      
  6 7        
      8     9     10  
    14 15    
  16     17                
18       19   20                
22               23 24        
26           27      
28     29  
30     31       32
    33                       34  
  36   37                          
41       42            
45                 46                            

1.A popular analogous color scheme that includes blues and purples.
4.Chapter 1. A person who uses imagination and skill to communicate ideas in a visual form.
7.Page 25. A two-dimensional square can be "stretched" into a three-dimensional ____________.
8.The other word for intermediate colors.
11._____________ shapes are precise, mathematical shapes. ( Page 24)
12.Chapter 3. This is the principle of art that is most concerned with making an object in an artwork stand out.
13.Page 37. This kind of balance is also known as formal balance.
16.Chapter 3. This principle of art is concerned with how parts of an artwork relate to each other and to the whole.
18.This element of art that refers to an object with three dimensions.
20.An analogous color scheme could include blue, blue-violet, violet, _____ _________ and red. (2 Words)
22.Chapter 3.This is the principle of art that is most concerned with difference or contrast.
24.The lightness or darkness of a color.
25.This is the kind of art that has a purpose, or specific function, like the vase and throne on pages 4 and 5. (2 Words)
26.This is the complement of green.(Look at the color wheel!)
27.A popular analogous color scheme that includes yellows, oranges, and reds.
33.An analogous color scheme could include yellow, ______ _______, orange, red orange, and red. (2 Words)
37.Page 77. This is the way the principles of art are used to organize the elements of art( Page 77). This is one of the important concepts we will be looking at for our next project.
38.Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. This is one of the color requirements of your current project.
39.Chapter 5, Page 77. This is the message idea or feeling expressed by an artwork.
40.A color scheme that incorporates different values of a single color.
42.This element of art is what we focused on for our very first project. Check out page 16 and 17.
43.Shapes can only exist in ______ ______________. They have height but not depth. ( Page 24) (2 Words)
44.A kind of line that expresses feelings of peace and stillness. This can be found in your notes, or in Chapter 2.
45.Chapter 4. Page 54. This is a material used to create a work of art. An example would be the paper that your kaleidocycles and mandalas are made of. (2 Words)
46.These are the guidelines that govern the way artists use the Elements of Art. (Hint: We have already looked at radial balance.) (3 Words)
2.This is the complement of blue.(Look at the color wheel!)
3.Page 76. This is the main image in an artwork that viewers can easily identify. This idea will become important for our next project.
5.This element of art can be felt.(Page 28)
6.Page 38. This is where on half of an artwork DOES NOT match the other half. This is the opposite of symmetry.
9.Extra Credit. Chapter 4. This word usually means the specific method an artist uses to create art.
10.Mandalas exhibit this special kind of balance. This should be in your notes, or in Chapter 3.
13.Page 25. A three-dimensional version of a circle.
14.This is the unique character of a line.(Page 17) (2 Words)
15.This is the element of art that we focused on for our kaleidocycles.
17.Chapter 3. This principle of art is a two-dimensional, visual repetition. We will be using these in several of our upcoming artworks.
19.An element of art that encloses a 2-dimensional space.
21.A principle of art that can be symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial.
23.This is the complement of purple/violet.
28.A specific combination of colors used in an artwork (page 20) (2 Words)
29.Extra Credit. This word can only be found in your notes!. It is the overall quality of your artwork!
30.Art that is valued solely for its visual appeal or its success in communicating feelings or ideas.(Page 4) (2 Words)
31.These are the very basics of art such as line, shape, color, form, space, and texture.(Page 13) (3 Words)
32.Colors that are opposite on the color wheel. This is one of the color requirements of your current project.
34.Page 24. Also known as free-form, these shapes or forms are not regular or even. Such shapes are usually found throughout nature.
35.A kind of line that artists use to express feelings of dignity or formality. This answer can be found in your notes, or in Chapter 2.
36.A tool that artists use to visually organize colors. (2 Words)
41.Page 24. The ___________, circle, and triangle are among the most common geometric shapes.

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