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Tire terms

Mr.van der Wouden

Tire terms chapter 65

1           2      
5 6         7 8        
12                 13          
15 16         17  

1.a tire pressure ________ system can detect low tire pressure.
3.These tires are recycled old tires with new material applied to the outside of previously worn tires.
6.A ____ ply tire has plies running straight across from bead to bead with stabilizer belts directly beneath the tresd.
8.Run-flat tires have an extremely ____ sidewall construction so they are still usable with no air pressure.
9.A ___ ply tire has plies running at an angle from bead to bead.
11.Wheel weights are small lead (or steel) weights that attach to the rim to balance the tire and prevent _______,
12.Todays tires are ____ tires which form an airtight unit with the rim.
13.The maximum load rating of a tire indicates the amount of ____ a tire can carry at recomended inflation pressure.
16.Some high end tires are self ______ and do not go flat when punctured.
18.A ___ bias tire is a mid range tire with extra belts added to increase tread stiffness.
19.A drop _____ wheel is commonly used on passenger vehicles because it allows for easier installation and removal of the tire from the rim.
2.Tire rolling ___ is a measurement of the amount of friction to road surface.
4.Trailers manufacturers specifically do not recomend using radial ____ on their trailers.
5.The ______ inflation pressure is printed on the side of the tire indicates the highest pressure that should be pumped into the tire.
7.Tire size is given on the sidewall as a ____ number sequence on the DOT#.
10.Tire markings on the ____ of a tire give information about tire size, load carrying ability, inflation pressure, number of plies, identification numbers,quality ratings , and manufacturer.
14.The ___ ratio, or height to width ratio is a acomparison of a tires width and height.
15.A ____ stem snaps into a hole in the wheel of a tubeless tire to allow inflation and deflation.
17.on most american made vehicles lug ____ hold the wheel and tire assembly onto the vehicle

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