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Business Law Terms

Ms. Inglett

1     2  
  5     6
8               9
12           13 14            
16                 17

1.Type of imprisonment restraining the movement of another person.
4.Litigation filed by the government (prosecution); burden of proof on the state (government)
7.Crime for which punishment isone year or less in jail and/or a fine. Examples: petty larceny/shoplifting, disorderly conduct.
8.A civil wrong, not arising out of contractual obligations, that a court will give a remedy in the form of an action or damages.
10.Conduct that failed to use a degree of care necessary for circumstances.
12.Grant entitling the patentee to prevent other from making, using, or selling the particular inventions, generally for a period of 20 years.
14.The intentional, unlawful threat to cause bodily injury to another by force.
16.A person required to answer legal action or lawsuit.
18.Conducting yourself in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice.
20.A binding agreement between parties that create legally enforceable duties or obligations.
21.Written false and malicious defamation printed for the purpose of harming an entity.
2.Spoken defamation of character of a person, business, or group, causing the entity to lose esteem in the community.
3.Serious crime for which punishment can be more than one year in prison or death. Examples: murder, robbery, larcey/shoplifting, arson, computer crimes..
4.A form of protection provided by U.S. laws to the authors of "original works of authorship," including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works.
6.A word, name, device, symbol, or combination used by a manufacturer or seller to distinguish one product from anothers.
9.Non-governmental corporation or individual files the lawsuit and becomes the plantiff
11.Rule of conduct enforced by controlling authority; provides order, stability, and justice.
13.The intentional, unprivileged touching of a person by another.
15.A person who begins a lawsuit; the complaining party
17.Conflict between two or more parties.
19.Committed or omitted act in violation of law; case decision relies on definitions within law.

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