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pneumatics crossword puzzle Number 2

ASN Sastry

the puzzle essentially is based on units of maesurement

3   4
5   6          
    8 9                
    11           12          
      14   15  
  16                             17
20         21                        
    22     23 24    

2.Unit of energy in SI system of units
6.one devidedby 1000000
7.Unit of pressure in SI system of units
9.Temperature at which the water vapor in atmospheric air saturates
11.one multiplied by hundred
12.Unit of force in SI system of units
13.Gauge pressure + Atmospheric pressure
14.one divided by ten
16.Unit of absolute temperature in SI system of units
18.100,000pascals is equal to
19.Absolute pressure - Atmospheric pressure
20.Unit of length in SI system of units
21.Unit of area in SI system of units
22.unit of mass in CGS system
25.Acronym of the unit of pressure in FPS system
26.Unit of mass in SI system of units
1.Unit of volume in SI system of units
3.Unit of time
4.Unit of power in SI system of units
5.The law that states P/T= constant
8.Unit of velocity in SI system of units
10.Unit of temperature in SI system of units
15.The law that states V/T= constant
17.The law that states PV= constant
23.one devided by thousand
24.one multiplied by 1000000

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