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The Secret Life of the American Teenager


trivia about secret life, secret life charachters and the personal life of the main actors/actresses

1 2
3         4                  
6   7                              
9                         10      
15 16                          

3.My Birthday is September 16,1987 and I play Ricky Underwood, Who am I? first and last names
7.I play one of Ben's friends, Henry, Who am I? first and last names
8.My character, Grace Bowman is a faithful Catholic girl, Who am I? first and last names
9.I work with two gay guys at a furniture store and I have two daughters and I might be the father of Anne's son Robbie, Who am I? first and last names (2 Words)
11.My character, Ben Boykwich went from brace-face before my freshmen year of high school to almost being a father to a girl with Adrian Lee, Who am I?first and last names
12.I'm very quiet; doesn't care if I have any friends, Who am I? first and last names
13.I was on the Bernie Mac show and now I play Lauren Treacy, Who am I? first and last names
15.My character, Adrian Lee is boy crazy and my mother is a flight attendent and I'm home alone most of the time, Who am I? first and last names
17.I got pregnant by Ben Boykewich but we lost our child, Who am I? first and last names
18.My birthday is August 28, 1961 and I play Leo Boykewich's girlfriend, Betty, Who am I? first and last names
19.I'm a son of a sausage king and I was the ONLY Truthfull friend of Amy, Who am I? first and last names
20.My character, Alice is Ben's closet best friend before high school and I communicate with Henry using our computers, Who am I? first and last names
21.I got pregnant by Ricky Underwood and we have a son named John, Who am I? first and last names
22.I play Anne Juergens and I have two daughters and a son, Who am I? first and last names
1.My character, Jack Pappas was Grace Bowman's boyfriend and now I live with her family, Who am I? first and last names
2.I play Ruben Enriquez, Adrian's father, Who am I? first and 2 last names
4.I lost my doctor husband in a accident and left two children, Grace and Tom and I got remarried, Who am I? first and last names
5.John Schneider plays Grace Bowman's father and I past away in a accident, Who am I?first and last names
6.My Character is a sausage king and I have a son Ben and I was about to be a Grandfather to Ben's daughter, Who am I? first and last names
10.When playing the role of Amy, I was unable to wear my back brace for Idiopathic Scoliosis, Who am I? first and last names
14.I'm the ONLY actor with a physical and mental disability? Who am I? first and last names
16.My birthday is June 18, 1989 and I play Madison Cooperstein, Amy's other best friend besides Lauren Treacy, Who am I? first and last names

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