Down |
1. | The _ helped run the school. |
3. | Wear something _ for school. |
4. | Today we are _ our computer terms. |
5. | We signed a _ to be able to use the Internet. |
8. | What is your _ to fixing the computer sound? |
9. | We _ our artwork for the class. |
10. | Ms. Kline _ data about our keyboarding speed. |
12. | Where did the “wait 30-seconds” rule _ from? |
14. | I will _ my keyboarding test for errors. |
15. | We _ our science project on the Internet. |
17. | The teacher _ the papers. |
19. | Spurgeon's major _ is to prepare students for college. |
22. | Spurgeon _ new computers. |
23. | When we _ we can earn money. |
25. | Alvin's computer does not _ correctly. |
26. | The _ of this class is learning how to type. |
27. | I _ the teacher in class. |
31. | We made a _ change in the dress code today. |
32. | We will _ rules for the computer lab. |
33. | We are _ with school activities. |
35. | Joe can _ the model of this computer. |
37. | What time will the fire drill _ ? |
38. | Jorge _ the number of computers in the lab. |
39. | Our goal is to be _ with the lab resources. |
40. | When I smile my _ is happy. |
43. | We will _ to the game after school. |
44. | Jorge _ we will do keyboarding lessons today. |
45. | The play will _ after the actors take a bow. |
48. | Ms. Kline introduced the new _ on Monday. |
50. | What is the _ for fixing your computer sound? |
51. | H2O is the chemical _ for water. |
52. | What is the _ for using the Internet? |
55. | The computers in the lab are _ . |
57. | We _ a graphic art project. |
59. | A software contract is a _ agreement. |
60. | We use _ clues to understand a web page. |
61. | Our time _ is the 21st Century. |
63. | The orchestra has a strings _ . |
65. | A _ in science is a rule not a guess. |