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NCIS TRIVIA for fans who love the show, Guess the answers with these variety of questions about the cast and characters.

  3 4
5 6      
14     15                 16
  20                 21              
    23   24              

2.This Actress, had the post episodes played Special Agent Lethroy Jethro Gibbs one and only Child, Kelly? first ,middle and last names
7.This Actor, was previously married and had a son, August then divorce, later married to a doctor and had their first baby, a daughter on April 10, 2012, Who am I? first and last withone capital letter and one lower casel letter
10.Sarah Jane Morris plays this Character? first, middle and last names
11.Which one of Sean Murray's Step-Brother played Charles "Chip" Sterling? first and last names
12.Special Agents Todd and DiNozzo was kept in Isolation for this disease, but Special Agent DiNozzo did get it and lived? two words
13.Who is Sean Murrary's Step-Father? first and last names and the middle name initial letter
15.Who plays Special Agent Fornell? first and last names
17.What city and state was Sean Murray born in?
18.Where is Ziva David from?(her birthplace-NON USA)two words
19.What makes Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo,Jr.'s job decription so different from his other work mates besides Gibbs? two words
20.Which one of Sean Murray's Step-Sisters played his sister on NCIS in episode "Wicked Sister"? first and last names
22.Special Agent Lethroy Jethro Gibbs, had one and only child, Kelly with first love and wife Shannon, but Kelly was played by three different girls, this actress played Kelly in this episode "Life Before his eyes"?
23.Who plays the Secretary of the Navy-Clayton Jarvis? first and last names
25.She was the ONLY female director and was played by Lauren Holly? first and last name-NO need for NCIS Director added to her name.
26.What city was Michael Weatherly born in?
27.What city and country was Cote de Pablo born in?
28.What was Special Agent Ziva David's previouse job description before joining the NCIS team? two words
1.What city was Pauley Perrett born in?
3.What city and state was Mark Harmon born in?
4.Sasha Alexander played this field Agent in Seasons 1&2, but got one episode appearence for other episodes?
5.Scottie Thompson played this character; who got fooled by Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo?
6.What is Abby Scuito's everyday hair do on NCIS?
8.What is Jimmy Palmer job description for NCIS?two letters and the word
9.Who does Robert Wagner play?First and last name with one capital letter and one lower casel letter
14.What type of Scientist is Abby Scuito?
16.What does Dr. Donald "Ducky" Mallard do for NCIS? two words
17.Special Agent Lethroy Jethro Gibbs, had one and only child, Kelly with first love and wife Shannon, but Kelly was played by three different girls, this actress played Kelly in this episode "Requiem"?
21.What is the name of Abby Scuito's younger brother, she mentioned his name in a few episodes?
24.Who many kids does Director Leon Vance have?

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