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guess the Glee characters and the actors/actresses who play them and other Glee trivia. Good Luck

1 2 3
5   6                      
      7           8      
      9         10          
12 13                           14      
18                   19        
  20 21 22          
28                   29                  

4.Set 2 Picture: What is the name of the actor/actress of Letter D?
6.Set 2 Picture: What is the name of the actor/actress of Letter A?
7.Set 2 Picture: What is the name of the actor/actress of Letter F?
9.Who plays Blaine Anderson?
13.Who is Shelby Corcoran? 3 words
15.Set 2 Picture: What is the name of the actor/actress of Letter B?
16.Set 1 Picture: What is the name of the character #1?
18.Set 2 Picture: What is the name of the actor/actress of Letter EE?
22.What is the name of Emma Pillsbury's condition? three letters
23.Set 1 Picture: What is the name of the character #6?
24.Set 2 Picture: What is the name of the actor/actress of Letter DD?
26.Set 2 Picture: What is the name of the actor/actress of Letter E?
27.Jayne Lynch plays who on GLEE?
28.Set 2 Picture: What is the name of the actor/actress of Letter BB?
29.Set 1 Picture: What is the name of the character #2?
1.Set 1 Picture: What is the name of the character #8?
2.Who plays Sam Evans?
3.Set 1 Picture: What is the name of the character #5?
5.Set 2 Picture: What is the name of the actor/actress of Letter CC?
8.Who plays Mike Chang?
10.Who plays Santana Lopez?
11.Set 2 Picture: What is the name of the actor/actress of Letter C?
12.Set 1 Picture: What is the name of the character #3?
14.Set 1 Picture: What is the name of the character #7?
17.Set 2 Picture: What is the name of the actor/actress of Letter AA?
19.Who plays Brittany Pierce?
20.What character does Matthew Morrison plays in GLEE?
21.Set 1 Picture: What is the name of the character #4?
25.What U.S. State is GLEE characters live in?

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