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Unit 4 Astronomy Review Crossword B

Cyndee Crawford

You may use your notes and/or book to complete your puzzle.

1 2                 3        
4   5                  
7         8 9  
    13 14                 15
18                         19  
21   22       23 24                      

1.often disrupt radio, telephone, and television signals.
5.are chunks of rock that move about within the solar system
6.The _ emits light and is the most prominent layer of the Sun’s atmosphere.
7.As the position of the Moon changes as it revolves around Earth, the observations of the Moon from Earth are seen as _ (new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, waning crescent)
10.are huge, looping eruptions of gas, usually near sunspots, that arch out from the photosphere into the outer layers of the Sun’s atmosphere.
11.If it is neither tilted toward or away from the Sun, the length of day and night is equal, the season are
12.when the chunk of rock burns up in a planet’s atmosphere
14.When the Sun and the Moon are at right angles to each other, the high and low tides, there is the least difference in the tidal range at the shore; these tides are called
16.If the tilt of Earth is away from the Sun, there is a shorter length of day, the season is
18.A _ occurs when Earth is directly in-between the Sun and the Moon, blocking the Sun’s light so that Earth’s shadow hits the Moon casting a shadow over the Moon.
20.If the tilt of Earth is toward the Sun, there is a longer length of day, the season is _.
21.have a main body or head (ices of water, methane and ammonia and dust) and a tail that emerges as it gets closer to the Sun during its orbit.
23.When the Sun and the Moon are aligned the high tides are higher and the low tides are lower; these are called
25.Earth rotates on its _ counterclockwise from west to east; as a result, the Sun appears to rise in the east and set in the west.
26.when the chunk of rock strikes the surface of a planet or moon.
27.Earth has _ because its axis is tilted in the same direction as it moves around the Sun not because of any distance difference between the Sun and Earth.
2.Near the poles, the _ can form when these charged particles cause gases in the atmosphere to glow.
3.The number of daylight hours changes throughout the year because as Earth revolves around the Sun, the _ (23½ degrees) determines the amount of time that the Sun is shining on that portion of Earth.
4.are changes in the surface levels of Earth’s ocean water caused by the effects of the Moon’s and Sun’s gravity on Earth.
8.A _ occurs when the Moon is directly in-between the Sun and Earth, blocking the Sun’s light casting a shadow over a certain area on Earth.
9.are explosions of hot gas that occur when prominences connect. They shoot from the Sun’s surface releasing tremendous amounts of energy into space.
13.Most _ are rocky bodies that orbit in a region in the solar system known as the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
15.The corona sends out electrically charged particles, called _. Most of these particles do not reach Earth’s surface because of the atmosphere and the magnetic field around Earth.
17.As the Moon orbits Earth, the waters of Earth closest to the Moon bulge outward toward the Moon; this bulge is the
19.are areas of gas on the sun that are cooler than the surrounding gases and therefore do not give off as much light and appear as dark spots on the photosphere.
21.During a total eclipse when the photosphere is blocked, the _, the outer layer of the Sun’s atmosphere that looks like a white halo, can be seen.
22.Most are rocky bodies covered with craters, but some have unique characteristics.
24.may have a terrestrial or rocky surface or a gaseous surface.

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