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Derivative acquisition


Law of property: derivative acquisition class exercise

2                 3
4                 5        
  6         7 8  
11     12              

2.Movables are transferred if the thing is (8). The latin for this is (*).
4.Res in (1).
5.The transferor must be (3) of the thing.
6.Ownership must be (*) by the transferee or his (*) or his (7).
9.There must be a legal cause, or (12) for the transfer of ownership.
10.Ownership must be (5) by the transferee or his (*) or his (*).
11.The transferor must have (2) capacity, meaning the capacity to transfer ownership
13.Ownership must be (*) by the transferee or his (6) or his (*).
1.Immovables is transferred by means of (10).
3.The transferee must have (4) to accept the transfer of ownership.
4.In some instances, payment of the (*) price is needed, unless (14) was granted by the seller to the buyer.
7.In some instances, payment of the (13) price is needed, unless (*) was granted by the seller to the buyer.
8.(11) of the owner and transferee is important. This is the subjective aspect of transfer of ownership.
12.Movables are transferred if the thing is (*). The latin for this is (9).

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