Solve the Unravel mystery after you have read the story about
Matilda, born in 1947, is a biracial child who has a black mother
and a white father during the time of segregation.
She suffers from depression because of her father's
abandonment, stepfather's abuse, classmates torture, and
mother's illness.
Journey through her life experiences as she grows up in Seattle,
Washington until she moves away to attend the University of
Maine where she mets her best friend Tilly. For the first time,
she shares all of her inner most thoughts.
Matilda decides to drop out of sight after Tilly finds her future
husband. Matilda has entrusted Tilly with her personal
belongings which includes a keepsake box containing her
mother's mementos.
Take the journey through Unravel to see just how careful Tilly is
at protecting Matilda’s secrets after she becomes the Matriarch
of the Maxwell Family.
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