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CCL Chap Five

Louis Barba

Legal exercise for keywords in chapter five of California Civil Litigation @ EVC.

1         2  
3 4              
7   8              
  12       13  

1.Jurisdiction over the type of case or claim is called ________ matter jurisdiction.
3.Jurisdiction over the person is called ________ jurisdiction.
6.Proper jurisdiction in more than one court, such as federal and state court.
8.Any party may challenge jurisdiction at any time (except plaintiff appealing from an adverse ruling). The challenge may be made in a demurrer, in a ______, or even on appeal.
9.Issues of federal law justifying federal jurisdiction are _______ questions.
10.Jurisdiction based on diversity of citizenship is called _________ jurisdiction.
11.Portion of the pleading containing relief sought.
12.The point in time of an occurrence is termed ______.
14.In state court, a claim by a defendant against any new or existing party; in federal court, a claim by a defendant against any new parties to the action is a _____-claim.
2.Amount in dispute, measured for jurisdictional purposes by the prayer in the complaint or cross complaint is the amount in ___________.
4.A type of jurisdiction limited to one court.
5.If the case has concurrent jurisdiction, the a defendant may request __ If the case has concurrent jurisdiction, the a defendant may request ______ to federal court.
6.Pleading containing the allegations of the plaintiff against the defendant(s).
7.Incorporating more than one opposing party or cause in the same action is a _______.
13.Facts which under substantive law constitute a right to recovery are called _____ of action.

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