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Film Studies

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3.An actor who specializes in playing a particular style of character, often stereotypical, offbeat, or humorous.
8.A term used to describe movie theaters common in the U.S. that specialized in showing as many B-movies as they could fit into their schedules.
10.A member of the crew with expertise in fire or explosions.
12.A term used to refer to an item, event, or piece of knowledge that the characters in a film consider extremely important, but which the audience either doesn't know of or doesn't care about.
14.Indicates that the images have no color.
16.The sole pseudonym that the Directors Guild of America allowed directors to use when they wish to remove their name from a film.
17.A set where set dressers and prop persons have finalized placing furniture and props for filming a scene and on which a scene is in the process of being shot.
18.A large area where elaborate sets may be constructed.
19.A moment of high drama, frequently used at the end of serials.
21.A take in which all dialogue was performed without error.
22.A person who publishes a review of a movie from either an artistic or entertainment point of view.
25.A process during which the director and actors determine where on the set the actors will move and stand, so that lighting and camera placements may be set.
26.A pit part played by a famous actor who would ordinarily not take such a small part.
28.The process of creating the illusion of motion by creating individual frames, as opposed to filming naturally-occurring action at a regular frame rate.
32.An early term for a film with sound and especially spoken dialogue.
34.Anything an actor touches or uses on the set.
35.A low budget, second tier movie.
36.A collective term for the actors appearing in a particular movie.
37.A single continuous recorded performance of a scene.
1.A photographic technique whereby live action is filmed in front of a screen which the background action is projected on.
2.The finish shooting, either for the day or the entire production.
4.A comedy in which the humor is derived from subjects which are typically considered serious.
5.A list of filmmakers or actors who have either been formally or informally discriminated against, due to their personal, political, social, or religious beliefs.
6.Alterations to a film's images during post-production.
7.Changes required of a movie by some person or body other than the studio or the filmmakers, usually a national or regional film classification board.
9.Indicates that dialogue will be heard on a movie's soundtrack, but the speaker will not be shown.
11.The second to last shot of the day.
13.A style of acting which is believed by some to create more realistic performances.
15.A person who has the same physical properties of a particular actor, and takes their place during the lengthy setup of a scene.
19.A collective term for anyone involved with the production of a movie who does not appear in the movie.
20.A general term for a written work detailing story, setting, and dialogue.
23.The art of recreating incidental sound effects in synchronization with the visual component of a movie.
24.A summary of the major plot points and characters of a script, generally in a page or two.
25.A small unimportant role, usually lasting only one scene.
27.A person responsible for the professional business dealings of an actor, director, and/or artist.
29.When an actor has completely memorized their lines and cues.
30.Called during filming to indicate the start of the current take.
31.Slang for a drive-in theater.
33.A person who plays the role of a character.

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