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CSK Science: Astronomy Study Guide Crossword

CSK Science: Astronomy Study Guide Crossword

3         4
5       6
7   8   9 10   11          
      13 14   15        
  16     17      
18     19             20 21       22
24   25     26                
              28 29  
  30   31                 32              
  33                   34 35                        
    36 37 38                        
  39     40 41                  
          43         44       45
              47   48    
  49                   50          
51                             52
54             55         56        

1.This planet is called Earth's twin because of its size
3.This is the only "rocky" outer planet
8.The amount of time it takes for the Earth to spin once
10.This planet has the "Great Dark Spot" on its surface
12.The seventh planet from the Sun
15.This planet is the only with living things and liquid water on its surface
16.This planet is called the Red Planet
18.The first planet from the Sun
21.The fourth planet from the Sun
23.First artificial satellite in space
26.A relatively small body made of rock, carbon or metal which is orbiting the Sun
27.This planet has the Great Red Spot on its surface (which is a moving storm)
31.This planet has similar features as our Moon
32.A word to describe spinning
33.This type of telescope uses lenses
34.This is what the first 4 planets are called
38.First American in space
41.This type of telescope uses mirrors
42.The reusable spacecraft
43.First woman in space
46.The four larger outer planets are made up mainly of this
47.Mainly the last planet from sun, but sometimes the 8th
49.Pilot that flew Armstrong and Aldrin to the Moon
51.The fifth planet from the Sun
53.The sixth planet from the Sun
54.This word describes the left part of the Moon shining
55.A circular path around an object
56.This type of eclipse is when the Moon is in between the Sun and Earth
1.The second planet from the Sun
2.This is a relatively small object made of dirt and ice that has a tail that appears as it gets closer to the Sun
4.This is a meteoroid that burns in the Earth's atmosphere
5.This planet is the hottest because of the greenhouse effect trapping heat
6.The amount of time it takes for the Moon to go through all of its phases which is the amount of time it takes for one rotation and one revolution
7.This planet has such a low density that it would be able to float in water
9.The amount of time it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun once
11.The lighter region of a shadow of an eclipse
13.This word describes the right part of the Moon shining
14.Second Human to step on the Moon
17.Something that orbits another object
19.This word describes a small part of the Moon shining
20.A meteoroid that survives Earth's atmosphere and hits the Earth
22.Mainly the 8th planet from sun, but sometimes the last
24.A small particle from an asteroid or comet that orbits the Sun
25.Our sun is one of these
27.This is the largest planet in our solar system
28.The third planet from the Sun
29.This word describes a large part of the Moon shining
30.First Human in space (Russian)
35.First Human to step on the Moon
36.This is what causes the seasons
37.This is what the last 5 planets are called
39.A word to describe an orbit
40.First Human to orbit the Earth
44.This country was the USA's main competitor in early space travel
45.A space instrument that we don't get back that goes into dangerous places
48.This planet spins on its side
50.This type of eclipse is when the Earth is in between the Sun and Moon
52.The darker region of a shadow of an eclipse

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