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Week 1

The Warrior

  3 4         5
6       7    
  8           9    
11 12 13                 14    
  15               16
    17   18    
19                     20          

2.leap ______
3.Beatles: _______ the Universe
6.Part of this four legged creature is found in a certain Godfather's bed
8.Finish the lyric: From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of ________
13.If... then... statement of science
15.a dollop, a dollop, a dollop of ____________
19.101 of these spotted creatures
20.moves like_______
21.Ms. Polka Dotted Mouse
22.Which actress sang "Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My"
23.Benedict Arnold
1.Leader of the Greek Gods
4.22nd US President
5.Island with all the luck
7.Jon and Kate plus how many?
9.number of sides on a cube
10.Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter
11.red, white, black and yellow color this state's flag
14.stinky and flying these bugs have invaded
16.Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and _______________________
17.December 7, 1941
18.Snow whtie and her seven ________________

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