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Film Production 1


Introductory Terms

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3.abrupt switch from one scene to another, or the result of poor pictorial continuity
5.may have a sense of freshness, spontaneity and 'authentic' atmosphere, but it may not be acoustically ideal
7.the juxtaposition of short shots to represent action or ideas - or (especially in Hollywood), simply cutting between shots to condense a series of events
10.adding to continuity through sound, by running sound (narration, dialogue or music) from one shot across a cut to another shot to make the action seem uninterrupted
12.commentary spoken off-screen. Confers authority
13.the removal of some sounds and the retention of others to make significant sounds more recognizable, or for dramatic effect - to create atmosphere, meaning and emotional nuance
15.often used to indicate flashback in time
17.a dramatic unit composed of one or more shots, usually involving a continuous time period, the same setting, and the same characters
19.the apparent distance and angle from which the camera views and records the subject
20.events in different places presented as occurring at the same moment, by parallel editing or cross-cutting, by multiple images or split-screen
22.the '_________________ point of view' involves treating the viewer as an observer
24.opening shot or sequence, frequently an exterior 'General View'
34.the camera swivels (in the same base position) to follow a moving subject
37.sudden change of shot from one viewpoint or location to another in order to change the scene, compress time, vary the point of view, or build up an image or idea
38.accomplished by filming the action from different angles and editing them together, often repeating part of an action from another viewpoint
40.the camera treatment is called ___________ when the viewer is treated as a participant (e.g. when the camera is addressed directly or when it imitates the viewpoint or movement of a character)
41.shot of two people together
42.the time experienced or felt by a character in a film, as revealed through camera movement and editing
44.continuity of direction, completed action, and a similar centre of attention in the frame are features of the __________________ cut
45.a single run of the camera
1.a shot made from a camera position close to the line of sight of a performer who is to be watching the action shown
2.a dramatic unit composed of several scenes linked together by their emotional and narrative momentum
4.an intercut sequence of shots in which the camera shifts back and forth between one scene and another in which distinct but related events seem to be happening at approximately the same time
6.the camera slowly searches the scene
8.the impression of distance in sound
9.the reduction of time within or between scenes and sequences, achieved with cuts or dissolves
10.a period of time represented by events within a film (e.g. a day, a week)
11.you get this when the same question is put to a range of people to give a flavour of 'what ordinary people think' about some issue
14.two or more images placed directly over each other
16.the omniscient style of realist feature films, giving the impression that the edits are always required are motivated by the events in the 'reality' that the camera is recording rather than the result of a desire to tell a story in a particular way
18.a shot in which a participant reacts to action which has just occurred
21.a cut is one type, but others include the fade, dissolve, and wipe
23.the direction and height from which the camera takes the scene
25.rendering only part of the action field in sharp focus through the use of a shallow depth of field
26.a bridging, close-up shot offering an essential detail of the scene
27.when a cut is made at the point where what has occurred makes the viewer immediately want to see something which is not currently visible, it is said to be _________________
28.movement from one line of action to another
29.a 'realistic' technique whereby meaning is conveyed through the relationship of things visible within a single shot (rather than, as with montage, the relationship between shots
30.suggests differences in time and place
31.often used in mystery and suspense films to create a sense of unease in the viewer
32.a bridging shot to separate two shots which would have reversed the continuity of direction (known also as a cutaway)
33.a person looking ('full face') and talking directly at the camera
35.maps, graphs and diagrams are associated primarily with news, documentary and educational programs
36.division of the screen into parts which can show the viewer several images at the same time
39.a bridging, intercut shot between two shots of the same subject, representing a secondary activity occurring at the same time as the main action
41.mood or atmosphere of a programme (e.g. ironic, comic, nostalgic, romantic)
43.a special visual effect whereby a reduced shot is superimposed on the main shot

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