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Space Crossword

Angela Silberberg

1 2 3             4
    7   8  
9           10  
11     12          
  16   17          

2.A planet consisting of hydrogen and helium. Retrograde movement/ The way that Venus spins to all the other planets.
6.A larger version of a solar flare that creates a streamer of gas and can be visible from Earth during a total solar eclipse.
15.When the moon covers part of the sun.
18.Missions to the sun.
19.The visible surface of the sun.
20.A faint ring that surrounds the sun. A faint ring that surrounds the sun.
1.A model where all the planets including the sun revolve around the earth.
3.When the moon is at a great distance from the earth.
4.An optical instrument that makes things far away appear closer.
5.When the moon covers the sun. Annular solar eclipse/ When the moon is at a great distance from the earth.
7.The way that Venus spins to all the other planets.
8.A model of the planets revolving around the sun.
9.Distance from the earth to the sun.
10.The 9 planets that orbit the sun and smaller objects like meteors, stars e.c.t.
11.The visible surface of the sun.
12.A thin ring around the very edge of the sun.
13.An eruption of energy that are related to sunspots. It can cause power lines to fail and technical difficulties on Earth.
14.They are formed by streams of particles being blown out into space.
16.A patch that appears on the sun that is darker than the rest of the sun.
17.A small body of matter from space.

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