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Civics puzzle

Levi Crowder

answer the questions to fill in the puzzle and help study civics/economics Hint: some answers have spaces in them Hint: Some have numbers in them

1 2
3             4
  8   9
12                                     13

3.People who want peaceful reform, usually want expanded role of government
5.Something that motivates someone to act, used to change economic behavior
6.legislature consisting of two houses
7.form of governemnt in which the people rule the country
12.form of business with one owner who takes all the risks and gains all the profits
14.form of a business with two or more owners who share the risks and profits
15.fee paid for the use of money
17.using goods or services
18.request to a higher court to rehear a case if the losing side feels injustice
19.earnings after all expenses have been paid
20.government including those who govern are bound by the law
22.a court order to appear in court
1.document that served as a model for the bill of rights of the constitution
2.excess of government expenses over revenues
4.person who takes risks to produce goods and services in search of profit
8.inability to satisfy all wants at the same time, all resources are limited
9.Gives congress the power to collect income taxes from individuals & businesses
10.a person who by birth, or by choice is a part of this nation
11.people who prefer the way things are, usually want to limit the role of government
13.selecting an item or action from a set of possible alternatives
16.change in the constitution
17.active effort to get support for a particular candidate to be elected to office
19.statement of a political party position on issues (plank)
21.money the government collects from citizens and businesses to provide public services

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