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Legislative Branch Quiz Review

Mr. Carr

1 2 3 4 5
6                   7    
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15 16        
17                               18          
      19 20      

6.If the president leaves a bill unsigned for 10 days, it dies. This is called a ________ ________. (2 Words)
11.The leader of the House of Representatives is the ______________ ___ ____ __________. (4 Words)
12.No local law can go against a ___________ law.
13.The term of office for a congressperson is _____ _________. (2 Words)
14.The leader of the US Senate is the ____________ ________________. (2 Words)
17.The legislative branch at the state level is called The ________________ (2 Words)
18.The ______________ is one of the houses of Congress.
19.The 4th step for a bill to become a law is that the bill is ___________ on in both houses of congress.
21.If something is made of two bodies, or chambers, it is called __________________.
22.The term of office for a US Senator is ______ __________. (2 Words)
23.A US Senator must be at least 30 years old, a US _____________ for 9 years, and a resident of the state where she/he serves
25.The two main political parties in the US are the Democrats and the _________________.
26.The legislative branch at the national level is called _______________
27.The 3rd step for a bill to become a law is that the bill is _______________ on the floor.
1.The 2nd step for a bill to become a law is that the bill is sent to a _____________ to be discussed.
2.When the President receives a bill passed by the Senate and House, he/she can either sign the bill or _________ it.
3.The ________ ____ _____________ is one of the houses of Congress (3 Words)
4.The 1st step for a bill to become a law is that the bill is _______________ by a member of Congress.
5.Federal Laws are ______________. No state law can go against them.
7.The two houses of the Virginia state legislature are the State Senate and the House of _________________.
8.The name of the legislative branch at the local level is the __________ ___________ or the Board of Supervisors. (2 Words)
9.A congressperson must be at least _________ ____________ years old, a US citizen for 7 years, and a resident of the state where he/she serves
10.The total number of representatives in the House is 435, which is determined by the ________________ of each state.
15.The ________________ branch makes our laws.
16.The 5thstep for a bill to become a law is that the bill is signed by the chief __________________.
20.The US Senate is made of ___ __________ senators, which equals 2 senators for each state. (2 Words)
24.Congress has the "Power of the Purse". This means that it controls how our tax money is spent.

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